Acai Berry Scams – Yes, They Are Real

The acai berry is probably the most Report Scam and get your money back important and highly nutritional fruit to ever come out of Central and South America, but unfortunately since so-called snake oil salesmen are still alive and well, many people are getting scammed out of their hard earned money. You have probably heard of acai berries that come from the acai palm found as far as Belize to the north and southward to Brazil and Peru.

This fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients and has a high oxygen radical absorbance capacity or ORAC score which is a measure of a food’s antioxidant capacity. While there are many benefits of this nutritious berry and some good supplements and healthy drinks, it is being exploited to make some internet marketers and supplement makers quite wealthy while dubiously charging monthly autoship fees to unsuspecting consumers.

While you may be aware of the benefits of  acai, you may not know about what some refer to as the great acai berry scam. The way most of these scams work is when a consumer searches for information on these berries and ends up on a site that offers a supposedly 14 day free trial where all you have to do is pay for shipping at a cost of between roughly $3 and $7. Many consumers love to try products for free or at a very reduced price, but how these scams operate is that the merchant now has your credit card number because you gave it to them to get your “free trial” package shipped to you at a cost of what you though would be around $4.95.

What people don’t realize about these scams until it’s too late is that their credit card will start being charged a high monthly fee the very instant their free trial is over. What consumers also don’t realize is that your free trial begins the instant your order is processed, thus not giving you anywhere near a 14 day trial with the actual product. Many consumers have even started accruing monthly charges before they have actually received their products and then they come to find out these charges are nearly impossible to stop.

This is usually all explained in terms of service for these products, but most consumers don’t bother to scroll down to the bottom of the page to click the well hidden link where the terms reside. Merchants do a good job of keeping the fine print and the links leading to the fine print away from scrutiny. They can legally do this as long as there is a link somewhere on the web page, unfortunately this doesn’t help most consumers.

To add insult to injury there is a second level of scam within the initial scam. When looking for nutritional supplements many people do lots of research to see if the product or line of products they’re interested in are legitimate and who sells the better product. Consumers will type acai berry scams or some related term into a search engine to see if there are instances of people being ripped off by these products.

Many marketers have now set up review sites that supposedly give helpful information on these kinds of supplements and tell you which ones are scams and which ones are legitimate and of high quality. Unfortunately, most of these sites are completely fake and all they are trying to do is sell you these scammy products by making you more comfortable with what you think are the best products. They haven’t done any actual reviews at all.

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